Catalyst Church Evansville is not a Churchy Church but more of a group of people as family on a journey. The journey that we are all on looks a little different to each of us but we know that we are real people with real lives in the journey of finding real answers. Catalyst Church loves the community because we have first been loved by Jesus. We are not a perfect Church but we are a family that loves each other in the middle of life's ups and downs.
We meet on Sundays to grow in our Journey of faith, but then we break out throughout the week into community groups. Here we continue our journey in a smaller group setting.
We find ways to serve each other and the community around us. When we do this we are "Being" the Church not just Doing Church. Come and join us on this journey of Faith.
Real people just like YOU.
Real people with real lives searching for Real Answers BY Connecting people with GOD, Others and in Service
Catalyst Church Evansville exists to continue the mission that Jesus Christ gave to His Church. Jesus' mission is to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you".
We place in action the mission of Jesus by connecting people. We connect people with a purpose by connecting people to God (Spiritually), Others (Relationally), in Service (Missionally), to create a Connection Point (Evangelistically). The reult of this mission in action should result in Disciples of Jesus Making Disciples of Jesus.
We highly value our relationships with one another and with Jesus. We also know that everyone is in a different season of searching for Real Answers and we value that journey. We are confident that the Journey will lead to Jesus Christ and that with Jesus you will not only be valued but will add value to His Kingdom and His Mission.
Have questions? We have the answers!
We are located on the west side of Evanville and right down the streat from Reitz High School. Do not look for a Churchy Building because we are located inside an old sports bar.
We have 2 identical services at 9am and 11am that start right on time. Each service lasts about 1 hour 15 Minutes.
We have 3 spots near the front door for "guest parking" this way you will not have to deal with parking because we will have a spot waiting for you. If those spots are taken there should be a spot for you in our good size parking lot. For some reason all spots are taken on the oposit side of our buildind (west) you should find extra parking.
We have a GREAT, fun, and interactive children’s environment called “THE BACKYARD”. We also have a check-in system to assure your child’s safety! We believe that kids should have a blast at church every single week, and at Catalyst Church, we make this a priority. The other thing we make a priority is your children’s safety. Because of that, we have a detailed check-in process for our "The Backyard" program the first time that you visit. You’ll want to give yourself an extra ten minutes to get signed in for the "The Backyard" experience. "The Backyard" is offered at every Catalyst Church service for kids ages baby through grade 5.
Sundays and everyday at Catalyst are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are, and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.
What should I wear? Whatever you are comfortable in! No judging here! (Just please wear clothing).
In total, a Catalyst Church service is about an 1 hour and 15 minutes minutes in length. Services begin with the Catalyst Church band leading the church in music. Song lyrics are projected onto the TV screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of service is complete, one of our pastors will come out to share an encouraging and real life message about Jesus.
Serving the community and others is our heart beat and we call this "Mininistry" We have many places a person can serve and we are so excited that you might be interested in "ministry". The best place to start is to go to this link and fill out the form so we can personally contact you and see where you can serve.
Community groups ar erelly the heart beat of our Church. The greatest growth and care you will get is within a Community group. These groups meet thought the week some in homes some at the Church building. Each group is learning the same thing so we are all on the same page as a Church. We would love to help you find a group. If you are interested in finding a group yourself just click on this link and just show up. If you are wanting help to find a group click on this link and we will contact you and assist in your group seach.
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"Church Plant"
Catalyst Church was birthed out of a vision that God put on David and Rachel Whitmore's heart. The Whitmores moved to Evansville in July 2010 and immediately began working to plant Catalyst. The church initially met in their apartment with just a handful of people. By late fall of 2010, the church had outgrown their apartment and began meeting at a local Fairfield Inn. After the official launch of Catalyst in February of 2011, David was approached by another pastor whose church had recently moved out of the location at Claremont Ave. In April of 2011, Catalyst moved to the location at Claremont Ave. Initially, the church met in what is now the children's ministry space. Over the course of the next three years, the church acquired the remaining sections of the building and remodeled it for the church's purposes. In just 8 years, God has done amazing things in and through Catalyst Church, and we believe this is just the beginning!